Welcome to the ReFoMix website

Welcome to the ReFoMix website

ReFoMix, founded in 2001, is one of the largest homelessness service providers in the North Great Plain region, offering a wide range of services to homeless individuals and families (especially Roma families with children) threatened by homelessness.

We estimate there are about 800-1000 homeless people in Debrecen, which is Hungary’s second largest city with 208.000 inhabitants.

Our vision

As the professionals of ReFoMix, we strive to make Debrecen a city where nobody is forced to sleep rough and even those who are currently homeless are able to secure accommodation fit for human habitation.

Our mission

In our every day work we help homeless people to transform their lives, improve their employment prospects and work income and secure stable accommodation accompanied by appropriate support.

Our values

Respecting human dignity -  It is the service user that is at the centre of our work
Commitment -    We believe that each person’s life can be improved
Flexibility - We are able to meet the changing needs of our service users
Creativity and innovation -  We continue to develop new ideas to improve the living conditions of homeless people

To address the complex needs of homeless people and to provide appropriate solutions, comprehensive approaches are needed. Our first priority is to make the lives of our service users more human and liveable by meeting their emergency and basic needs (accommodation, washing, medical attention, meals, etc.). After that, we provide services that offer a way out of homelessness by providing job opportunities and a regular income. We have structured our services accordingly.

Homeless services

Street outreach services (one service operating in the inner city and one service in the great forest area of Debrecen)
Day centres (operating in two sites with a total capacity of 66 service users)
Night shelters (operating in two sites with a total capacity of 85 beds)
Temporary hostels (operating in two sites with a total capacity of 68 beds)
Health centre (providing services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for homeless people)
Rehabilitation farm (providing accommodation to 26 men)

ReFoMix regularly delivers services funded by the European Social Fund, providing training and employment for homeless individuals. These services provide an opportunity for participants to move on from hostel accommodation to independent supported rentals.

Child welfare services

Family temporary homes (providing a home for 80 people, including children)

If you would like to support our work, our bank account number is: HU92 60600084-10031281-00000000.
Your donation is greatly appreciated.

For further information on our work and services, please contact us at info@refomix.hu.

Phone: +36-52-530-817
Fax: +36-52-530-818


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